
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Scenes From A Snow Day

Like everyone, we were hit with the snowstorm of 2011. Here in Indy we got a ton of ice which has led to a lot of snow days. A was off of school for 4 days this week. Due to the ice outside most of those 4 days were spent at home in our jammies. I mean when the house looks like this:
 And the ice looks like this:
 And the entire side of our house is coated in ice:
Who really wants to go outside? Not us, the monkey cried when we took her out in the snow the last time. So we stayed safe and warm playing inside. But I think someone is trying to tell us she is ready for summer...

We did try to get a few things done at home while we were off...the monkey tried her hand at vacuuming:
She didn't get very far.
And just to keep it real for you all, this is what our living room looks like at the end of a day at home:

I hope that you all enjoyed the storm and were able to stay cozy and warm at home. Next week, it's back to reality.

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